After recently writing an article regarding Google buying Motorola for $12.5 billion, I found this patent lawsuit visual humorous. According to Jacob Goldstein of NPR, "The patent war is a key reason Google is buying Motorola for $12.5 billion: Motorola has some 17,000 patents that will belong to Google when the deal goes through..."
I also could not help but notice Huawei. Recently, I  had begun looking into this privately owned company since they have been noted by Nick Mackie of BBC news as "one of the world's leading - and somewhat inscrutable - technology companies." Notably, this young company, primarily known for selling wholesale products, has been moving more and more into consumer electronics, with projections of shipping 60 million cell phones this year as well as developing a network of international and national retail stores. This, of course, leads me to wonder how it will effect the consumer industry. Will they be the next Apple? It seems almost absurd these days to think a company can top Apple as they have pioneered the mobile industry. I suppose, as per usual, we will have to wait and see.

Written By: Jenna Elizabeth

Huawei Newsroom

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